Tuesday, March 6, 2012

7 Most Flattering Makeup Trends for Spring!

Spring is right around the corner, and I couldn't be more excited!

My beauty Bible, Allure magazine, announced the 7 most flattering makeup trends for spring, and I can't wait to try them! For most of these trends they gave a department store, and a drugstore brand.

First up is shiny patent lips, in orange and red!
Their picks? 

Next up, orchid purple eyeshadow!
Their picks:

Third trend, I am not so sure about!
Citrus Eyes
Their picks:

Cornflower Blue Liner and Shadow
This trend I love... Just a little blue liner on the bottom makes the eyes pop for spring!
Their picks:

Probably my favorite... Coral cheeks and lips!
Looks perfect with a sun kissed skin!
 Their picks:

Terra-Cotta Eyes

Last but not least... Ginger Sheen
Their picks:

Can't wait to try out some of these trends and new colors Allure has suggested!
(Besides the citrus eyes... I don't think that will work well with my blonde hair and fair skin! Eek!)

What trend are you looking forward to most for spring?!

(Photos and article taken from www.Allure.com)


  1. Love the blue, yellow and purple shades for eye shadow for the spring. It should be real fun trying them out. Great tips :)

  2. Lovin the Ginger Sheen colors :D

    Thanks for following. Following back! :)

  3. Dolce & gabbana is a gorgeous color. I love to use it in spring time. Also, because it is not stick. Thanks.

  4. Hi Amanda -
    Great post! I cannot wait for spring! Not only are the makeup colors refreshing, but so are the clothes! Awesome styles coming out this spring! I have to say that spring and fall are by far my favorite times for fashion and beauty! Thanks for the info!
